RT (Russia Today) – первый российский информационный телеканал, ведущий круглосуточное вещание на английском языке. Ежедневно эфире – новости политики, культуры, спорта, аналитические программы и документальные фильмы. Цель канала – представить российский взгляд на международные новости и события

With its first channel launched in December 2005, the RT network now consists of three global news channels broadcasting in English, Spanish and Arabic, RT America broadcasting from a Washington, DC studio, RT UK airing from London, and a documentary channel RTDoc – in English and Russian. Today RT has a global reach of over 700 million people in 100+ countries.
RT news covers the major issues of our time for viewers wishing to question more and delivers stories often missed by the mainstream media to create news with an edge. RT provides an alternative perspective on major global events, and acquaints an international audience with the Russian viewpoint.
RT is the winner of the 2013 Monte Carlo TV Festival Award for the best 24-hour newscast, for reporting on the Chelyabinsk meteor crash. In 2010, RT became the first Russian TV channel to be nominated for the prestigious International Emmy award in the News category. The network received its second News nomination, in 2012, for its coverage of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and its third – a record for a Russian channel – in 2014, for reporting on the hunger strike of Guantanamo detainees.